It's not a memoir, but it's not fiction either. Its truth resides in sentiment rather than fact. It asks as many questions as it gives answers. What exactly is confessional poetry? What makes it tick and what distinguishes it from other forms? And, finally, isn't all poetry confessional?
In this workshop we will look at famous examples of confessional poetry, explore techniques, and do writing exercises.
Date and time: 20 November, 18:30-20:00 CET
Venue: Pianofabriek, Rue du Fort 35, 1060 Saint-Gilles, Room, Calcutta
The price of the workshop is €15 and 12 for members (read more about membership). Our bank account details are: Wordcraft Collective; BE27 0019 5813 6673.
Sign up by making the payment and filling in the registration form. For additional information email us on
In the case that there are fewer than 6 participants enrolled for the workshop, we reserve the right to cancel. We will undertake to inform all enrolled participants of the cancellation. In this case, we will refund all participants the full amount of their fees paid.
Katja Knežević
Katja Knežević is an award-winning poet and short story writer. She holds a Master’s degree in English and French literature. In 2012, she won the 'Sea of Words' literary competition organised by IEMed and the Anna Lindh Foundation with her short story, 'Invisible mother'. In 2014 she won the Croatian national Young Poet Laureate award, with the manuscript “Birches made of glass”. The collection was subsequently published in April 2015. She writes in English and Croatian. Her poetry and prose have appeared in anthologies such as 2019 Brussels Writers' Circle and So Long as You Write, as well as literary magazines Tether's End, Thimble, Popshot Magazine and Molecule Lit Mag.